Monday, April 30, 2007

" Mario's Story"

Some of the students went to a screening on Friday for workshop. There was a boy by the name of Mario Rocha who was convicted of a murder at the age of 16, but he was innocent bystander who just got caught up in the mix by association. He let the streets and the gangs that he hung around define who he was. Mario never pictured something happening to him like this but it did and although he was innocent he was still held responsible for his actions. It took a lot of time, effort and consistence from the fellow people around him to get his voice heard.

Mario started to get the best attorneys and all the right people that he could possibly get to help him be free. His family always stood by him and they supported him because they knew that he was innocent they just had to make the judge and the victims family realize that he was indeed innocent. Mario has been on trial for over the past ten years and he is currently getting retrial early in the early part of May.

What do you think the outcome of the retrial would lead up to in court?

If you were in Mario’s shoes how you do think that you would have handled this even though you knew you was innocent?

Thursday, April 19, 2007

"Shocking News from a Nearby College"

Devastating news came from Virginia Tech College. It was a typical day like no other, everything was the same but this time something was different. A senior by the name of Cho Seung-Hui who attended Virginia University started a massacre. Some witnesses say because of his girlfriend but the truth of the matter was that he had problems within himself that made him react this way on that particular day.

Cho Seung-Hui killed 32 people and injured at least 29 other students and teachers. Cho was the 33rd person after he shot himself in the head. Everyone says he was a smart kid. The ones you least expect can be plotting your death right in front of you and you don’t even know it.

A lot of students feel that it is okay to pick on the less fortunate or the ones who are slow but you never know what they have or are going through. When you get on a person’s bad side you never know what they are capable of until you become the victim. This entire madness just tie into reality, danger is everywhere and you have to be careful of what you say and do to people because you never know what they have in store for you.

Reality check: How do you feel as a senior going off to college, would this change your judgments of going to college, or would it make you more aware of the various things that could happen in college?

What do you think would have prevented Cho Seung-Hui from shooting his fellow peers and professors? (i.e.) friends, change of mind set, psychologist, etc.

Thursday, April 5, 2007

"Sanjaya Advances on in the American Idol competition"

If you all watch American Idol, you probably have your own opinion of who should win in this competition. America continues to vote for Sanjaya- are they messing with his head or do they really love him?

Judge Simon Cowell thinks that Sanjaya continuing in the competition is a mistake, but this mistake could excel into a disaster. Sanjaya’s song choices, performances, and hair dos are getting talked about more than the actual competition – but maybe that’s the point of being on American Idol.

I personally think it is time for Sanjaya to get kicked off for his bad vocals. He can’t sing, and he’s too immature for the competition. When the American Idol top two finalists come before the world, I hope that Sanjaya Malakar is not in that category. There are only eight people left, time to make the next cut.

How do you think Sanjaya continuing in the competition affects the ones who can actually sing?