Monday, April 30, 2007

" Mario's Story"

Some of the students went to a screening on Friday for workshop. There was a boy by the name of Mario Rocha who was convicted of a murder at the age of 16, but he was innocent bystander who just got caught up in the mix by association. He let the streets and the gangs that he hung around define who he was. Mario never pictured something happening to him like this but it did and although he was innocent he was still held responsible for his actions. It took a lot of time, effort and consistence from the fellow people around him to get his voice heard.

Mario started to get the best attorneys and all the right people that he could possibly get to help him be free. His family always stood by him and they supported him because they knew that he was innocent they just had to make the judge and the victims family realize that he was indeed innocent. Mario has been on trial for over the past ten years and he is currently getting retrial early in the early part of May.

What do you think the outcome of the retrial would lead up to in court?

If you were in Mario’s shoes how you do think that you would have handled this even though you knew you was innocent?


Shaquita Bonita said...

I am not sure on the outcome of the re-trial but I hope that the Distict Attorney, who is handling the case, stop trying to put him back in jail if he is innocent. I know that I would not have been as positive as Mario was, but I can't really say how I would act if I were in his shoes. All I know is that, I don't ever wanna get into his shoes and go thriugh what Mario had to.

Unknown said...

I'm not sure what the District Attorney is during in the re-trailof mario's case. But i hope that he is free from jail so that he can be on in his way doing what he feels that he needs to do. I know that mario is a sweet and cool person and he's movie was good. But i couldnt be as positive and calm as he was about the whole thing. But i hope that they make the right decision about that whole i know that i couldnt be in he's shoes for a day its to difficult. i hope they make the right decision