Tuesday, July 3, 2007

"School Takeover"

I think Mayor Fenty taking over the DC public schools is a great idea. Maybe we could actually get better teachers, newer books, safer and cleaner environments. This would also eliminate the teachers who are not actually doing their jobs. We need teachers who would come to work to teach and not come to make friends with the students. Having Mayor Fenty in the office to make sure students receive good teachers would not only help the school system but it would also help change the learning environment. Here are some links to different articles where Mayor Fenty talks about the new DCPS chancellor and more in depth information on the takeover.


1. 20 Questions to Ask the New School Chief
2. An Even Bigger School Bureaucracy
3. D.C. Schools Investigation
4. Longtime D.C. School Woes Eclipsed Board's Triumphs


1. What do you think of Mayor Fenty’s choice for the new chancellor, Michelle Rhee?
2. What type of impact do you think this will make on students?
3. Do you think teachers should start getting full background checks before they are allowed to teach?
4. Do you think Rhee will last?
5. Do you think Mayor Fenty should have told Superintendent Clifford B. Janey in person first and before announcing the takeover to the public?

1 comment:

Dominique said...

I feel half and half with Mayor Fenty's plan for the DC Public School system because it has it's pros and cons. Pros: it might change the school system, new books and new teachers. Cons: Rhee never ran a school system, she's Korean-American (no offense), Will she be able to handle the school system? DCPS system is full with majority African-American students.

It would have been better if Mayor Fenty talked to Janey before going public. Even though I no longer attend a DCPS, I’m still concern for those who do.